Our youngest daughter was diagnosed as "chromosomally enhanced" at 11 weeks gestation. We were happy to accept that gift that many don't understand is being given. We feel honored and blessed to share the gifts we're continually receiving and learning through being her parents with whomever God brings to us.
To create a place where persons with Special Needs can be guest farmers. As unique as each person is, so would be their experience on the farm. A hike? Taking an Alpaca for a walk? Braving being outdoors for the medically fragile?
To let the world know that our friends with Special Needs help us find our best selves when we enter their world. They are having happy and fulfilling lives, contributing value and should be valued.
Alpaca are entertaining and quirky animals. Did you know they only have teeth on the bottom, so literally CAN'T bite! They are herd animals and like to stay in groups, so come join an Alpaca Parade. Book a walk through the farm and get an amazing amount of information about Alpaca and T21 Farms. Legal release of Liability will be required. Price and program upon request.
Evelyn's certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programming as a Practitioner and Life Coach as well as her Master's degree in Psychology are put in YOUR service. Evelyn also completed the Drug Enforcement Administration's Trauma Team Training to counsel her fellow Special Agents after trauma. Check out the Coaching with Evelyn section for more info.
Update: 2023 WE HAVE FOUR BABIES!! In keeping with our theme that all the babies are named after virtues, our babies are named Empathy, Courage, Compassion and Prudence. If anyone would like to purchase our two superfluous males, Temper and Loyal, who are truly beautiful, contact Evelyn at Evelyn@t21farms.com
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